Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative
Mecklenburg covers nine (9) counties in Virginia and small parts of five (5) counties in North Carolina. There are eleven (11) board seats. Nine (9) are men and white, and two (2) are women and African-American. On the Mecklenburg website there is a graphic that shows the numerical districts. The two (2) African-American women were, unsurprisingly elected from the areas dominated by Greensville County where there is almost a 60% black majority. This representation is still half as many that might be elected statistically since the raw numbers would indicate that of eleven (11) seats, as
many as five (5) non-white candidates might be elected proportionately. There is no clarity in the information on how the North Carolina votes are assembled on the website. The North Carolina counties included in part are Northampton, Vance, Warren, Granville, and Person. The average racial percentages in those five (5) counties cumulatively are White (50.5%), Black (43.2%), and
Hispanic (4.8%). Certainly any amalgamation of their participation would, if anything, strengthen the impact of non-white votes, everything being equal. In another note the Mecklenburg cooperative includes a picture of all cooperative employees. Elsewhere on their website the cooperative indicates that 106 workers are employed.
Judging by the photograph there are six (6) workers who are African-American of the 106. If all African-Americans are pictured the employment of black workers by the cooperative would be 5.7%.